Walk a Scaled Representation of our Solar System
Mounted plaques depict the Sun and Planets on color laminated aluminum. Photos and information are provided on each body.
The plaque of the Sun is located just north of the Leif Everson Observatory. Plaques of planets and the asteroid belt follow in sequence on a path traveling NNW towards the Collins Learning Center. See map below. Approximate walking time one way: 15 minutes.
The Sun
A class G2V yellow dwarf star at the center of our solar system, it contains 99.86% of the mass of the solar system.
The closest planet to the sun is a small, barren, rocky world, scarred by impact craters and solar radiation.
Similar in size to Earth, Venus is a dry and lifeless planet, with searing temperatures, crushing pressure and a poisonous atmosphere.
The only planet in our solar system with liquid water, flowers, green foliage and abundant life in a myriad of forms.
Named after the Roman God of war, the red planet has days, seasons and reserves of water buried as ice beneath the surface.
The Asteroid Belt Material left over from the formation of the solar system, it is comprised of several thousand small rocky bodies and minor planets.
With more mass than the other planets combined, this bright sky object has a distinctive Great Red Spot, colored bands and swift moving moons.
The rings, first observed with a telescope by Galileo in 1620, start at 7000 km above Saturn’s clouds and stretch 74,000 km out.
This gas giant is tilted so that its north pole is 8° below the plane of orbit.
The 4th largest planet has the strongest winds in the solar system, up to 2000 kph.
Each plaque contains a QR (Quick Response) code that directs a smart device to more information about the body.
Provided by the Door Peninsula Astronomical Society. See www.doorastronomy.org.